


      SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务平台(以下简称“SHOPASTRO”或“本平台”)是由星盘起航(杭州)网络技术有限公司(注册地址:【 浙江省杭州市滨江区施强广场1号楼1902室 】)及其关联公司(以下统称“我们”)拥有并经营,并通过SHOPASTRO网站www.shopastro.com向卖家用户(以下简称“用户”“您”或“卖家”)提供网店建站、流量、支付和物流完整解决方案的SaaS平台。



  1. 在您注册成为SHOPASTRO用户之前,请访问阅读链接并认真阅读并充分理解本协议具体条款以及《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》相关条款,特别是免除或者减轻责任等与您有重大利害关系的条款(特别是以加粗以及加下划线方式提示用户注意的条款)、法律适用和争议解决条款等。


  1. 《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》和其他政策文件、操作规则、SaaS建站服务销售合同等文件均为本协议的有效组成部分,与本协议不可分割且具有同等法律效力(以下统称“服务协议”或“本协议”)。本协议是您和我们之间关于您作为用户使用SHOPASTRO提供的信息、软件、产品和服务等相关事宜订立的协议。


  1. 在阅读本协议的过程中,如您有任何疑问或反馈,可以通过SHOPASTRO的email【 contact@shopastro.com 】联系我们。当您按照注册页面提示填写信息、完成全部注册程序,且阅读并勾选同意本协议,即表示您接受本协议的全部内容,成为SHOPASTRO的用户。如果您不同意本服务协议或其中任何条款约定,应立即停止注册程或使用本平台。


  1. 我们会根据相关法律法规要求或商业发展需求不时更新本协议,同时会在本平台上进行公布,修改后的内容经公示期后生效并代替原来的协议。因此,我们建议您定期查看本平台服务协议的内容和相关通知,以了解最新的规则。如您不同意变更事项,您有权于变更事项确定的生效日前联系我们反馈意见。如反馈意见被采纳,我们将酌情调整变更事项。如您对已生效的变更事项仍不同意的,您应当于变更事项确定的生效之日起停止使用SHOPASTRO服务,变更事项对您不产生效力;如您在变更事项生效后仍继续使用本平台服务,则视为您同意并接受已生效的变更事项。


  1. 您有责任为访问SHOPASTRO做好准备。您也有责任确保所有通过您的移动设备和互联网连接访问SHOPASTRO的人都了解并遵守这些条款和条件。



  1. SHOPASTRO的服务只提供给依法可以与我们缔结合同的主体,包括具备完全民事权利能力和行为能力的自然人、法人或其他组织。使用本平台下单服务,应具备购买相关商品的权利能力和行为能力,包括获得法人或其他组织的充分授权,有权代表相关法人或其他组织注册和使用SHOPASTRO。


  1. 我们不向未满十八周岁的用户提供SHOPASTRO的服务。如您在使用时未满十八周岁,请马上停止使用本服务。


  1. 您同意并知悉,您通过电子邮箱加密码以及手机号码加验证码方式注册并登录SHOPASTRO,SHOPASTRO将以此识别您的账号信息,相关个人信息的收集情况详见《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》。您声明并保证,在注册SHOPASTRO账号成为用户时,您提交的所有注册信息是准确和真实的,不应使用他人的信息或者虚假信息注册账号。如果您用于注册账号的信息有变化,您在任何时候必须及时更新您的账号信息并保持其准确性。


  1. SHOPASTRO仅允许每位用户注册并使用一个SHOPASTRO主账号。如有证据证明或平台根据规则判断用户存在不当注册或不当使用多个SHOPASTRO主账号的情形,我们可以采取冻结、关闭账号、暂停或拒绝提供服务等措施,给SHOPASTRO及相关方造成损失的,用户应承担赔偿责任。


  1. 用户应当遵守法律法规,妥善使用和保管SHOPASTRO账号及密码。用户在未经SHOPASTRO同意的情况下不得将SHOPASTRO账号以赠与、借用、租用、转让、出售或以其他方式处分、授权给任何第三方,因此导致用户账号及密码信息泄露而造成的损失,由用户自行承担。


  1. 当用户发现SHOPASTRO账号被未经其授权的第三方使用或存在其他账号安全问题时,应立即有效通知SHOPASTRO,要求暂停该账号的服务。用户理解SHOPASTRO对用户的任何请求采取行动均需要合理时间,且SHOPASTRO应用户请求而采取的行动可能无法避免或阻止侵害后果的形成或扩大。除SHOPASTRO存在法定过错外,SHOPASTRO不承担因上述事宜下的责任。


  1. 注册成功后,您也可以在任何时间停止使用SHOPASTRO并申请注销账号以终止用户资格。如需要注销SHOPASTRO账号,您可以通过【客服人员】申请注销您的账号。在注销用户账号之后,我们将停止为您提供所有的产品和服务,并依法删除您的个人信息,但法律法规另有规定的除外。


  1. 您应对您账号项下的所有行为结果(包括但不限于在线签署各类协议、发布信息、购买服务及披露信息等)负责。



  1. 您在使用SHOPASTRO时应当遵守服务协议约定,不得存在下列行为:

           1.1 在SHOPASTRO上发布任何违反法律法规或与服务类别或板块不适当的内容;

           1.2 违反法律法规、服务及规则,以及损害其他第三方合法权益;

           1.3 未满十八周岁且没有监护人在场的情况下使用我们的服务;

           1.4 操纵任何商品的价格或干扰其他用户的列表;

           1.5 规避或操纵我们的收费结构、开票流程或拖欠SHOPASTRO任何费用;

           1.6 发布虚假、不准确、误导性、诽谤性内容或与其他用户有关的个人信息;

           1.7 发布或传播垃圾邮件或传销内容;

           1.8 通过SHOPASTRO发布或传播可能损害SHOPASTRO或其他用户合法权利的任何计算机病毒、蠕虫或任何其他技术;

           1.9 诽谤、辱骂、骚扰、跟踪、威胁或以其他方式侵犯他人的合法权利(如隐私权);

           1.10 限制或禁止任何其他用户使用SHOPASTRO服务;

           1.11 违反可能适用于任何特定服务的行为规则或其他指引;

           1.12 复制、修改与/或传播本网站及其子域名的内容,包括本网站的著作权作品和商标;

           1.13 在未经用户同意的情况下获取或以其他方式收集用户的任何数据或信息(包括但不限于个人信息);

           1.14 其他违反法律法规规定的行为。


  1. 您对您在SHOPASTRO上提交、发布和显示的任何和所有数据、文本、信息、用户名、图形、图像、照片、个人资料、音频、视频、项目和链接(以下称“上传内容”)和关于SHOPASTRO的一切行为和活动负责。您在上传内容和关于SHOPASTRO的使用活动中,不得存在下列行为:

           2.1 提供错误、不准确的或具有误导性的信息;

           2.2 欺诈或涉及非法、假冒或盗窃物品的交易,侵犯任何第三方的著作权、专利、商标、商业秘密或其他知识产权以及隐私权利;

           2.3 违反本协议、任何网站政策及其他相关法律法规(包括但不限于进出口管制、反歧视或虚假广告的法律);

           2.4 包含或传输任何具有破坏性性质的代码,或可能损害、干扰、破坏、暗中获取或收集任何计算机系统、数据或个人信息;

           2.5 修改、改编或攻击SHOPASTRO或通过修改、创建其他网站或移动设备应用程序,并暗示该网站或应用程序与SHOPASTRO有关;

           2.6 造成SHOPASTRO的责任或导致SHOPASTRO失去(全部或部分)供应商;直接或间接地链接、引用或包含本协议所禁止的商品或服务;在SHOPASTRO上上传任何可能导致我们违反任何适用法律法规、条例或法规或违反本条款和条件的内容。


  1. 我们有权删除任何用户在SHOPASTRO上发布的任何属于上述所述不合规或违反SHOPASTRO规则的内容,或任何不适合在SHOPASTRO上发布的内容。


  1. 用户进行非法活动或者其他违反SHOPASTRO政策的活动时,我们可能会采取限制、暂停或终止我们的服务及用户账号、禁止访问SHOPASTRO和用户内容、删除托管内容,并采取相应技术和法律措施来限制违规用户。此外,我们在适当情况下,将会暂停或终止涉嫌反复侵犯第三方知识产权的用户账号。我们同时保留取消未经认证的账号或长时间不活跃的账号权利。


  1. 如用户未遵守以上规定,我们有权判断用户的行为是否符合服务协议的约定,并视行为情节有权限制、暂停或终止向用户提供服务,取消交易订单及技术支持等措施,甚至封停或注销用户账号。同时我们保留向有关部门进行举报的权利,用户需承担由此导致的全部法律责任。如因用户行为给SHOPASTRO造成损失的,我们有权要求用户停止损害、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失、承担违约责任等。



  1. 我们会通过SHOPASTRO网站向您提供网店建站、流量、支付和物流完整解决方案。您可以在注册账号后,在SHOPASTRO网站 www.shopastro.com 自行选择需要的服务。


  1. 在建站服务中,您可以通过商品置顶、商品推荐、商品ADD TO CART、色板、尺码表等功能自行设置店铺界面。您理解并同意,在您使用SHOPASTRO建站服务的过程中,我们可能会收集您的个人信息,以及终端用户的个人信息,具体收集和使用规则请见 《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》相关条款。


  1. 我们会不定期提供不同的收费或免费订阅内容或工具。收费项目根据订阅内容或工具的不同,费用可能会有所不同。如果您未能按时支付全额订阅费,我们将保留暂停您使用账号的权利。


  1. 您理解并同意,按照计划支付相关费用,包括但不限于按照您的网店月度收入一定比例收取的维护费、购买或使用SHOPASTRO不定期提供产品或服务的费用。我们将会通过管理面板、电子邮箱或其他您授权的方式发送收费通知或账单。


  1. 您理解并接受,您的订阅服务到期后将自动续订,您授权我们(不另行通知)收取当时适用的订阅费用。您可以在任何时候通过管理面板或电子邮件contact@shopastro.com来取消您账号的订阅服务。


  1. 任何一方因任何原因终止SHOPASTRO服务时:

           6.1 我们将停止向您提供SHOPASTRO服务,您将无法访问您的账号;

           6.2 除非我们与您之间另有约定,您将无权按比例或以其他方式获得任何费用的退款;在停止服务生效日之前,因您使用SHOPASTRO而拖欠的任何未清余额将立即全部到期应付,但法律法规另有规定的除外;

           6.3 您的网店将会下线。


  1. 如果您通过SHOPASTRO购买了一个域名,在您注销账号后或者发生本协议第四条第4款的情形,您的域名将不再自动续期。注销账号之后,您将全权负责与域名提供商处理与您的域名相关的所有事务。


  1. 如果您违反任何上述条款和条件,我们保留立即终止您的SHOPASTRO用户资格的权利,并不会提前90天通知您,同时您将不能继续访问本网站以及使用SHOPASTRO服务。



  1. 您理解并认可,SHOPASTRO仅协助建立网站,不参与终端消费者与买家之间的实际交易。我们无法控制也无法保证卖家所宣传产品的质量、安全或合法性,也无法保证卖家的交付能力及买家的付款能力,以及卖家就其在SHOPASTRO上所销售的产品所作陈述的真确性或准确性。我们无法保证买卖双方通过SHOPASTRO达成交易的沟通或意向声明后一定会完成产品或服务的交易。


  1. 您不得向我们主张任何因您非法使用SHOPASTRO而导致后果的责任。


  1. 我们不转让或保证转让产品从卖家到买家的所有权。除非买卖双方另有约定,买家从卖家实际收到该产品后即成为该产品的合法所有人。此外,SHOPASTRO的运作可能受到许多超出我们控制范围的因素的干扰,因此,在法律允许的范围内,我们排除所有隐含的保证、条款和条件。我们不对因您使用我们的平台而产生的任何金钱、商誉或声誉损失,或任何特殊的、间接的或相应的损害负责。因使用SHOPASTRO产生的风险由您自行承担。


  1. 如果买卖双方之间发生争议,您理解并同意不会向我们(包括我们的员工,分包商和所有关联方)主张赔偿或要求以任何方式承担与此类争端有关的责任。


  1. 您在使用SHOPASTRO的过程中与其他用户发生争议的,您或其他任何一方均有权选择以下途径解决:

           5.1 与争议相对方自主协商;

           5.2 请求有关调解组织调解;

           5.3 向有关行政部门投诉;

           5.4 根据与争议相对方达成的仲裁协议(如有)提请仲裁机构仲裁;

           5.5 向人民法院提起诉讼。


  1. 我们无法控制其他用户通过我们的系统提供的信息。请您仔细浏览并审慎阅读和理解其他用户在SHOPASTRO上发布的信息,并应注意和自行承担因信息真实性导致的风险。通过使用本平台,您同意接受这些风险。对您在使用SHOPASTRO时的疏忽导致的损失,我们不承担相关负责。


  1. 通过SHOPASTRO提供的某些服务可能由第三方提供。通过使用任何产品,服务或功能或平台本身,您承认并同意,我们可以与该第三方共享这些信息和数据。详情请您查阅《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》。


  1. 我们会不定期地更新SHOPASTRO产品和服务,并随时更新平台内容。我们将尽合理努力保持您可以访问本平台,但如因系统升级等其他商业原因或我们无法预知和避免的其他原因,我们可能会暂停或无限期关闭本平台。如果SHOPASTRO因任何原因在任何时间或任何时期无法使用,我们将不承担任何责任,除非我们与您之间另有约定。



  1. 您理解并同意,将您在SHOPASTRO上提供、上传、创作、发表的任何信息及其演绎作品的知识产权等全部合法权利权益,免费授予SHOPASTRO及其关联公司至保护期终止为止、不可撤销的、全球范围的、排他的许可使用权,SHOPASTRO及关联公司有权以自身名义对第三方侵权行为进行取证及提起诉讼用于商业用途。



  1. 对于侵犯第七条第1款规定权利的行为,您同意我们有权以我们的名义或者以您的受委托人的名义来自行或委托他人对侵犯授权内容的行为进行维权,维权形式包括但不限于:监测侵权行为、发送维权函、提起诉讼或仲裁、调解、和解等。此种情形下,您进一步同意,我们有权对维权事宜做出决策并独立实施;应我们的要求,您将积极向我们的维权行为提供必要的协助(包括但不限于提供维权所需的必要证明文件、资料、信息等)。


  1. 您有权向SHOPASTRO提交申请,在第三方网站或通过其他人发布在SHOPASTRO提交的内容。您同意SHOPASTRO对任何使用争议不承担任何责任。如果您选择在第三方网站上显示您在SHOPASTRO提交的内容,应保证该该内容必须附有跳转至SHOPASTRO网站的链接。


  1. 您应确保在SHOPASTRO上发表的各类信息内容均不涉及侵犯第三方肖像、隐私、个人信息、知识产权或其他合法权益。否则SHOPASTRO有权随时采取必要措施,包括但不限于删除、断开链接等。如因您上传的内容存在侵权问题或者任何其他的权利瑕疵而引起权利纠纷的,您应当自行解决该等纠纷并独立承担相应的责任。如有任何第三方向我们主张授权内容的权益,您应当为我们积极向第三方抗辩,或者按照我们的要求,为我们向第三方抗辩提供必要的配合与协助(包括但不限于提供与授权内容有关的权利证明文件、资料、信息等);如因您上传的内容存在侵权问题或者任何其他的权利瑕疵而给我们造成损失的,您应当赔偿我们遭受的全部损失,并消除因前述授权内容的侵权或权利瑕疵问题给我们造成的不良影响。


  1. SHOPASTRO所展示的各运营系统由SHOPASTRO自主开发、运营提供技术支持,并对SHOPASTRO服务的开发和运营等过程中产生的所有数据和信息等(包括但不限于技术、软件、程序、数据及其他信息(包括但不限于文字、图像、图片、照片、音频、视频、图表、色彩、版面设计、电子文档)和经我们创作、整理或以其他方式(如人工智能)生成内容的所有知识产权(包括但不限于版权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等)及相关权益)享有全部权利。SHOPASTRO提供各项服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权,所使用的商标、设计、页面标题、按钮图标、商业形象、脚本的知识产权等全部合法权利权益均归SHOPASTRO或相关权利人所有。我们享有的所有知识产权和相关权益,不因您的任何使用行为而发生任何的权利转移。SHOPASTRO上所有内容的汇编是SHOPASTRO的排他财产。


  1. 未经我们授权,任何人不得擅自使用(包括但不限于复制、传播、展示、镜像、上传、下载、修改、出租,以及通过任何机器人、爬虫、蜘蛛等任何自动程序、脚本、软件或设备进行操作等)亦不得修改、改编、翻译SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务所使用的软件、技术、材料等,或者创作与SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务相关的派生作/产品或衍生品,或者利用SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务之部分或全部向任何第三方提供产品与/或服务,不得通过反向工程、反编译、反汇编或其他类似行为获得SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务的源代码等,否则,我们有权追究您的责任,要求您赔偿由此给我们或其他人造成的损失,并有权视情况将上述行为移交相关政府部门处理。


  1. 请您在任何情况下都不得私自使用、擅自删除、掩盖或更改我们的包括但不限于“SHOPASTRO”等在内的任何商业标识(包括我们及关联公司的Logo、“SHOPASTRO”等文字、图形及其组合,以及其他标识、徵记、产品和服务名称)、服务标记、商号、域名、网站名称或其他显著品牌特征等(以下简称“标识”)。未经我们的事先书面同意,您不得将本条款前述标识以单独或结合任何方式展示、使用或申请注册商标、进行域名注册等,也不得向他人明示或暗示您有权展示、使用、或其他有权处理这些标识,亦不得实施误使他人认为您与这些标识有关联的其他行为。由于您违反本协议使用我们的上述标识等给我们或他人造成损失的,应由您承担全部法律责任。


  1. 您在使用SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务的过程中,我们仅授予您可撤销的、有限的、不可转让及非排他性的使用授权。您仅可为访问/使用SHOPASTRO产品与/或服务的目的而使用SHOPASTRO。



  1. 您理解并了解,SHOPASTRO上任何第三方网站/第三方服务的链接均不受我们控制,我们对任何链接网站/服务的内容,包括但不限于链接网站/服务中包含的任何链接,或对链接网站/服务的任何更改或更新不承担任何责任。我们 向您提供这些链接仅供参考,并不意味着我们认可链接网站的内容或与其运营商有任何关联。您与SHOPASTRO之间的服务协议并不包括您与链接网站的互动,您应该仔细审查任何第三方网站的用户协议和隐私政策。


  1. SHOPASTRO上的一些文章可能包含互联网上的其他资源和业务的链接。我们提供相关链接和信息,以帮助您寻求和定位其他可能感兴趣的互联网资源。但这并不意味着我们对链接中的任何商品名称、注册商标、标志、法定或官方印章或著作权标志享有所有权或存在任何授权使用或其他关联关系。我们对您使用SHOPASTRO的责任载于以下部分,请您仔细阅读并理解。



  1. SHOPASTRO非常重视保护您的个人信息。SHOPASTRO希望通过《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》向您清楚的介绍对用户个人信息的保护和处理,因此建议您完整地阅读《SHOPASTRO隐私政策》。此外,我们不会在未经您明确同意的情况下向第三方出售或披露您的个人信息。


  1. 对于SHOPASTRO中的任何通讯服务,您应当谨慎提供任何关于您或者您家人的个人信息,包括但不限于公告板服务、聊天区域、社区与/或其他旨在使您能够与其他用户或公众进行沟通交流的服务(以下称“交流服务”)。我们无法控制、编辑任何交流服务中用户或公众提交的内容和信息。因此,在法律法规允许的前提下,我们不承担任何有关交流服务和您因参与任何交流服务而导致的任何行为的责任。



  1. 我们保留更改网站的权利。如果这些变化将导致网站的可用性、利益和功能大幅减少,我们将提前90天通知所有付费用户。在其他不可抗力、第三方原因或SHOPASTRO无法预知和避免的情况下,我们会在更改生效前发出通知(包括即时通知)。


  1. 您理解并同意,您在协议变更生效日期之后使用本网站将被视为接受更新后的协议。如您对变更内容有任何问题或意见,可以通过contact@shopastro.com联系我们进行反馈。



  1. 您理解并同意,您与我们之间不存在任何合资、合伙、雇佣或代理关系。本协议的履行受现行法律和法律程序的约束。本协议中的任何内容均不损害我们遵守与您使用本平台有关的政府、法院和执法部门的请求或要求,或提供或收集与您使用SHOPASTRO有关的信息的权利。


  1. 根据相关法律法规,如果本协议任何部分是确定为无效或无法执行包括但不限于免责声明和责任限制条款,则无效或无法执行的条款将被视为无效,其余部分继续有效。


  1. 除非另有规定,本协议构成您与我们之间关于本平台的完整协议,并取代您与我们之间关于本网站的所有先前的任何沟通和书面文件。


  1. 未经我方书面同意,您不得以任何形式转让本协议中的任何权利义务,否则我们有权拒绝承认并停止提供本协议项下之服务。


  1. 本公司未能执行或行使本协议的任何规定或任何相关权利,并不构成对该等规定或权利的放弃。本协议中未明确授予的任何权利均予以保留。我们可能通过电子邮件、快递邮件、平台公告或目前已知或未来开发的其他合理方式向您发送通知,包括有关条款和条件变更的通知。印刷版本的协议,任何以电子形式的通知,将容许在司法或行政程序中作为证据或与本协议得以相同程度的适用。


  1. 双方明确希望本协议及所有相关文件均以中文书就。



  1. 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国浙江省杭州市余杭区。本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律,并明确排除其他冲突法规范的适用。


  1. 如您和我们发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交杭州互联网法院通过诉讼解决;纠纷事由依法不属于广州互联网法院受理范围的,应提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。






  1. 如对本协议内容有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可以通过以下方式联系我们:





  1. 本协议以中文书就,其他语言的翻译版本仅作参考。若本协议的任何语言的翻译件与中文版本有不一致的,以中文版本为准。




User Agreement

Release Date: 2021 6 of December

Effective Date: 2021 6 of December

about us

SHOPASTRO product and/or service platform (hereinafter referred to as“SHOPASTRO”or“Platform”) is owned and operated by ShopAstro (Hangzhou) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (registered address: Room 1902, Building 1, Shiqiang Plaza, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province) and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we"), providing online shops to seller users (hereinafter referred to as "users", "you" or "sellers") through SHOPASTRO website  www.shopastro.com address  A SaaS platform with complete solutions for site building, traffic, payment and logistics.  


1. Scope and Effectiveness of the Agreement

1) In it you register as a SHOPASTRO user before, go read the link and read and fully understand this Agreement, the specific terms and articles "SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy" section, in particular, exempt or mitigate the liabilities, which are of vital interest to your article (especially It is the terms that are bolded and underlined to remind users to pay attention), applicable law and dispute resolution terms, etc.


2) "SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy" and other policy documents, operating rules, SaaS website building service sales contracts and other documents are all valid components of this agreement, and are inseparable from this agreement and have the same legal effect (hereinafter collectively referred to as "service agreement" or "this agreement" "). This agreement is an agreement between you and us regarding your use of the information, software, products and services provided by SHOPASTRO as a user.


3) In the process of reading this agreement, if you have any questions or feedback, you can contact us by email: contact@shopastro.com. When you fill in the information as prompted on the registration page, complete all the registration procedures, and read and check to agree to this agreement, it means that you accept all the content of this agreement and become a SHOPASTRO user. If you do not agree to this service agreement or any of its terms, you should immediately stop the registration process or use this platform.


4) We will update this agreement from time to time in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations or business development needs, and will publish it on this platform at the same time. The revised content will take effect after the publicity period and replace the original agreement. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly check the content of this platform's service agreement and related notices to learn about the latest rules. If you do not agree with the change, you have the right to contact us for feedback before the effective date of the change. If the feedback is adopted, we will adjust the changes as appropriate. If you still disagree with the changes that have taken effect, you should stop using the SHOPASTRO service from the date when the changes are determined to take effect, and the changes will not have any effect on you; if you continue to use the platform services after the changes take effect, It is deemed that you agree and accept the changes that have taken effect.


5.)You are responsible for preparing for your visit to SHOPASTRO. You are also responsible for ensuring that everyone who accesses SHOPASTRO through your mobile device and internet connection understands and abides by these terms and conditions.


2. Account registration and use

1) SHOPASTRO's services are only provided to entities that can conclude contracts with us in accordance with the law, including natural persons, legal persons or other organizations with full civil rights and capacity for conduct. To use this platform to place an order service, you should have the right and capacity to purchase related goods, including obtaining the full authorization of a legal person or other organization, and the right to register and use SHOPASTRO on behalf of the relevant legal person or other organization.


2) We do not provide SHOPASTRO services to users under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years old when you use it, please stop using this service immediately.


3) You agree and understand that you register and log in to SHOPASTRO through email plus password and mobile phone number plus verification code. SHOPASTRO will use this to identify your account information. For the collection of relevant personal information, please refer to the “SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy” . You declare and warrant that when you register a SHOPASTRO account to become a user, all the registration information you submit is accurate and true, and you should not use other people's information or false information to register your account. If the information you used to register your account changes, you must update your account information in a timely manner and maintain its accuracy at any time.


4)SHOPASTRO only allows each user to register and use one SHOPASTRO master account. If there is evidence or the platform judges that users have improper registration or improper use of multiple SHOPASTRO main accounts according to the rules, we can take measures such as freezing, closing accounts, suspending or refusing to provide services, and causing losses to SHOPASTRO and related parties. Should be liable for compensation.


5)Users should abide by laws and regulations, and properly use and keep SHOPASTRO account numbers and passwords. The user shall not give, borrow, rent, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of or authorize the SHOPASTRO account to any third party without the consent of SHOPASTRO. Therefore, the loss caused by the leakage of user account and password information shall be caused by the user. To bear.


6) When the user discovers that the SHOPASTRO account is used by a third party without his authorization or there are other account security issues, he should immediately and effectively notify SHOPASTRO to request the suspension of the account’s services. The user understands that it takes reasonable time for SHOPASTRO to take action on any request of the user, and that the action taken by SHOPASTRO in response to the user's request may not be able to avoid or prevent the formation or expansion of the consequences of the infringement. Except for SHOPASTRO's statutory fault, SHOPASTRO shall not be liable for the above-mentioned matters.


7) After the registration is successful, you can also stop using SHOPASTRO at any time and apply to cancel your account to terminate the user qualification. If you need to cancel your SHOPASTRO account, you can apply to cancel your account through [Customer Service Staff]. After canceling the user account, we will stop providing you with all products and services, and delete your personal information in accordance with the law, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.


8) You are responsible for all the results of actions under your account (including but not limited to online signing of various agreements, publishing information, purchasing services, and disclosing information, etc.).


3. User Code of Conduct

1) When you use SHOPASTRO, you should abide by the service agreement and must not have the following behaviors:

1.1 Publish any content that violates laws and regulations or is inappropriate to the service category or section on SHOPASTRO;

1.2 Violate laws, regulations, services and rules, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of other third parties;

1.3 Use our services when under the age of 18 and no guardian is present;

1.4 Manipulate the price of any goods or interfere with other users' lists;

1.5 Circumvent or manipulate our fee structure, invoicing process, or default on any fees from SHOPASTRO;

1.6 Publish false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory content or personal information related to other users;

1.7 Publish or spread spam or MLM content;

1.8 Any computer virus, worm or any other technology that may damage the legal rights of SHOPASTRO or other users through SHOPASTRO release or spread;

1.9 Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others (such as the right to privacy);

1.10 Restrict or prohibit any other users from using SHOPASTRO services;

1.11 Violate the rules of conduct or other guidelines that may apply to any particular service;

1.12 Copy, modify and/or disseminate the contents of this website and its subdomains, including copyright works and trademarks of this website;

1.13 Obtain or otherwise collect any user data or information (including but not limited to personal information) without the user's consent;

1.14 Other violations of laws and regulations.


2) Your comments on any and all data, text, information, user names, graphics, images, photos, personal data, audios, videos, projects and links (hereinafter referred to as "uploaded content") and information about you submitted, posted and displayed on SHOPASTRO Responsible for all actions and activities of SHOPASTRO. When you upload content and use SHOPAASTRO, you must not have the following behaviors:

2.1 Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information;

2.2 Fraud or transactions involving illegal, counterfeit or stolen items, infringement of the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights and privacy rights of any third party;

2.3 Violate this agreement, any website policies and other relevant laws and regulations (including but not limited to import and export control, anti-discrimination or false advertising laws);

2.4 Contain or transmit any code of destructive nature, or may damage, interfere, destroy, secretly obtain or collect any computer system, data or personal information;

2.5 Modifying, adapting or attacking SHOPASTRO or by modifying or creating other websites or mobile device applications, and implying that the website or application is related to SHOPASTRO;

2.6 Cause SHOPASTRO’s liability or cause SHOPASTRO to lose (in whole or in part) its suppliers; directly or indirectly link, reference or contain goods or services prohibited by this agreement; upload anything on SHOPASTRO that may cause us to violate any applicable laws, regulations, ordinances or Regulations or content that violates these terms and conditions.


3) We have the right to delete any content posted by any user on SHOPASTRO that is non-compliant or violating the above-mentioned SHOPAASTRO rules, or any content that is not suitable for posting on SHOPASTRO.


4) When users engage in illegal activities or other activities that violate the SHOPASTRO policy, we may take measures to restrict, suspend or terminate our services and user accounts, prohibit access to SHOPASTRO and user content, delete hosted content, and take corresponding technical and legal measures to limit violations user. In addition, we will suspend or terminate user accounts suspected of repeated infringements of the intellectual property rights of third parties under appropriate circumstances. We also reserve the right to cancel unverified accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time.


5) If the user fails to comply with the above provisions, we have the right to determine whether the user’s behavior is in compliance with the service agreement, and depending on the circumstances of the behavior, the right to restrict, suspend or terminate the provision of services to the user, cancel transaction orders and technical support measures, or even suspend or Log out of the user account. At the same time, we reserve the right to report to the relevant departments, and the user shall bear all the legal responsibilities caused thereby. If SHOPASTRO causes losses due to user behavior, we have the right to request users to stop the damage, apologize, compensate for the loss, and assume responsibility for breach of contract.


4.Service Content

1) We will provide you with a complete solution for shop building, traffic, payment and logistics through the SHOPASTRO website. After registering an account, you can choose the service you need on the SHOPASTRO website  www.shopastro.com .


2) In the site building service, you can set the shop interface by yourself through functions such as product topping, product recommendation, product ADD TO CART, color palette, size chart, etc. You understand and agree that when you use the SHOPASTRO website building service, we may collect your personal information, as well as the personal information of end users. For specific collection and usage rules, please refer to the relevant provisions of the SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy . 


3) We will provide different paid or free subscription content or tools from time to time. Fees may vary depending on the content or tools of the subscription. If you fail to pay the full subscription fee on time, we reserve the right to suspend your account.


4) You understand and agree to pay related expenses in accordance with the plan, including but not limited to maintenance fees charged according to a certain percentage of your online store's monthly income, and fees for purchasing or using SHOPASTRO products or services provided from time to time. We will send charge notices or bills through the management panel, email or other methods authorized by you.


5) You understand and accept that your subscription service will automatically renew after expiration, and you authorize us (without prior notice) to charge the applicable subscription fee at that time. You can cancel the subscription service of your account at any time through the management panel or email [ contact@shopastro.com ].


6) When either party terminates SHOPASTRO service for any reason:

6.1 We will stop providing you with SHOPASTRO services and you will not be able to access your account;

6.2 Unless otherwise agreed between us and you, you will not be entitled to a proportional or other refund of any fees; before the effective date of the suspension of service, any outstanding balance due to your use of SHOPASTRO will expire immediately Payable, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations;

6.3 Your online store will go offline.


7) If you purchase a domain name through SHOPASTRO, your domain name will no longer be automatically renewed after you cancel your account or the situation in Article 4, paragraph 4 of this agreement occurs. After you cancel your account, you will be solely responsible for handling all matters related to your domain name with the domain name provider.


8) If you violate any of the above terms and conditions, we reserve the right to terminate your SHOPASTRO user qualification immediately, and will not notify you 90 days in advance, and you will not be able to continue to visit this website and use the SHOPASTRO service.


5. Statement

1) You understand and acknowledge that SHOPASTRO only assists in the establishment of the website and does not participate in actual transactions between end consumers and buyers. We cannot control and cannot guarantee the quality, safety or legality of the products advertised by the seller, nor can we guarantee the seller’s delivery ability and the buyer’s ability to pay, as well as the authenticity or accuracy of the seller’s statements regarding the products sold on SHOPASTRO sex. We cannot guarantee that the buyer and seller will complete the transaction of the product or service after the communication or statement of intention to reach the transaction through SHOPASTRO.


2) You must not claim to us any liability for the consequences caused by your illegal use of SHOPASTRO.


3) We do not transfer or guarantee the transfer of ownership of products from seller to buyer. Unless the buyer and seller agree otherwise, the buyer becomes the legal owner of the product after actually receiving the product from the seller. In addition, the operation of SHOPASTRO may be interfered by many factors beyond our control. Therefore, to the extent permitted by law, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions. We are not responsible for any loss of money, goodwill or reputation, or any special, indirect or corresponding damages caused by your use of our platform. The risks arising from the use of SHOPASTRO are borne by you.


4) If there is a dispute between the buyer and the seller, you understand and agree that you will not claim compensation from us (including our employees, subcontractors and all related parties) or demand in any way to bear the responsibilities related to such disputes.


5) If you have disputes with other users in the process of using SHOPASTRO, you or any other party have the right to choose the following ways to resolve:

5.1 Negotiate independently with the opposite party to the dispute;

5.2 Request mediation by relevant mediation organizations;

5.3 Lodge a complaint with the relevant administrative department;

5.4 Refer to an arbitration institution for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement (if any) reached with the opposite party to the dispute;

5.5 File a lawsuit in the people's court.


6) We cannot control the information provided by other users through our system. Please carefully browse and carefully read and understand the information published by other users on SHOPASTRO, and you should pay attention to and bear the risks caused by the authenticity of the information. By using this platform, you agree to accept these risks. We are not responsible for the losses caused by your negligence in using SHOPASTRO.


7) Certain services provided through SHOPASTRO may be provided by third parties. By using any product, service or function or the platform itself, you acknowledge and agree that we can share this information and data with the third party. For details, please refer to "SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy" .


8) We will update SHOPASTRO products and services from time to time, and update the platform content at any time. We will make reasonable efforts to keep you accessible to this platform, but we may suspend or close this platform indefinitely due to other commercial reasons such as system upgrades or other reasons that we cannot foresee and avoid. If SHOPASTRO is unavailable at any time or any period for any reason, we will not bear any responsibility, unless otherwise agreed between us and you.


6. Intellectual Property and Ownership

1) You understand and agree that any information you provide, upload, create, and publish on SHOPASTRO and the intellectual property rights of its derivative works will be granted free of charge to SHOPASTRO and its affiliates until the term of protection expires, irrevocable, with global and exclusive license use rights, SHOPASTRO and its affiliates have the right to collect evidence and file lawsuits against third-party infringements in their own name for commercial purposes.


SHOPASTRO and its affiliates have the right to store, use, copy, revise, edit, publish, display, translate, distribute, promote, publish, distribute, information network dissemination and delete the above information content, and have the right to change the production and interpretation of the work, and have the right to, by format, media or technology currently known or developed in the future, incorporate the above-mentioned information into other works.


2) With regard to violations of the rights specified in Article 7, paragraph 1, you agree that we have the right to protect the rights against violations of authorized content in our own name or in the name of your delegate. The protection methods include not limited to: monitoring infringements, sending rights protection letters, filing a lawsuit or arbitration, mediation, reconciliation, etc. In this case, you further agree that we have the right to make decisions on rights protection matters and implement them independently; at our request, you will actively provide necessary assistance to our rights protection activities (including but not limited to providing necessary rights protection Supporting documents, materials, information, etc.).


3) You have the right to submit an application to SHOPASTRO, and publish the content submitted in SHOPASTRO on a third-party website or through others. You agree that SHOPASTRO will not be held responsible for any disputes over use. If you choose to display the content you submitted in SHOPASTRO on a third-party website, you should ensure that the content must be accompanied by a link to the SHOPASTRO website.


4) You should ensure that all types of information published on SHOPASTRO do not involve infringement of third-party portraits, privacy, personal information, intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests. Otherwise, SHOPASTRO has the right to take necessary measures at any time, including but not limited to deletion, disconnection, etc. If the content you uploaded has infringement issues or any other rights defects that cause rights disputes, you should resolve such disputes by yourself and bear corresponding responsibilities independently. If any third party claims to us the rights and interests of authorized content, you should actively defend against the third party for us, or provide us with necessary cooperation and assistance (including but not limited to providing and authorized content) in accordance with our requirements. Relevant rights certification documents, materials, information, etc.); if the content you upload has infringement or any other rights defects that cause us losses, you should compensate us for all the losses suffered and eliminate the above-mentioned authorized content The adverse effects of infringement or rights deficiencies have caused us.


5) The various operating systems exhibited by SHOPASTRO are independently developed and operated by SHOPASTRO to provide technical support, and all data and information generated during the development and operation of SHOPASTRO services (including but not limited to technology, software, procedures, data and other information) (Including but not limited to text, images, pictures, photos, audio, video, graphics, colors, layout design, electronic documents) and all intellectual property rights (including But not limited to copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, etc.) and related rights and interests) enjoy all rights. All the legal rights and interests of the software upon which SHOPASTRO provides various services, such as the copyright and patent rights, trademarks, designs, page titles, button icons, commercial images, and script intellectual property rights used, belong to SHOPASTRO or related rights holders. All the intellectual property rights and related rights we enjoy will not be transferred due to any of your use. The compilation of all content on SHOPASTRO is the exclusive property of SHOPASTRO.


6) Without our authorization, no one is allowed to use (including but not limited to copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading, modifying, renting, and using any automated programs, scripts, software or equipment such as robots, crawlers, spiders, etc.) without authorization. Operations, etc.) and shall not modify, adapt, or translate software, technology, materials, etc. used in SHOPASTRO products and/or services, or create derivative works/products or derivatives related to SHOPASTRO products and/or services, or use SHOPASTRO products and services. Part or all of the service is provided to any third party with products and/or services, and the source code of SHOPASTRO products and/or services shall not be obtained through reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly or other similar activities. Otherwise, we have the right Investigate your responsibilities, ask you to compensate us or others for the losses caused by this, and have the right to transfer the above actions to the relevant government departments as the case may be.


7) Please do not use, delete, cover up or change any of our commercial logos (including our and affiliated company’s Logo, "SHOPASTRO", etc., text, graphics, and Its combination, as well as other logos, marks, product and service names), service marks, trade names, domain names, website names or other distinctive brand features (hereinafter referred to as "logos"). Without our prior written consent, you may not display, use, or apply for trademark registration, domain name registration, etc., for the aforementioned logos in these terms, alone or in any combination, or express or imply that you have the right to display, use, or otherwise You have the right to deal with these signs, and you must not perform other actions that mistakenly make others think that you are associated with these signs. If you violate this agreement and use our above-mentioned logos to cause losses to us or others, you shall bear all legal responsibilities.


8) When you use SHOPASTRO products and/or services, we only grant you a revocable, limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use. You can only use SHOPASTRO for the purpose of accessing/using SHOPASTRO products and/or services.


7. Links to Third-party Websites/Third-party Services

1) You understand and understand that the links to any third-party website/third-party service on SHOPASTRO are not under our control. We have no control over the content of any linked website/service, including but not limited to any link contained in the linked website/service, or any link to the link No responsibility is assumed for any changes or updates to the website/service. We provide you with these links for reference only and does not mean that we endorse the content of the linked website or have any association with its operator. The service agreement between you and SHOPASTRO does not include your interaction with the linked website. You should carefully review the user agreement and privacy policy of any third-party website.


2)Some articles on SHOPASTRO may contain links to other resources and businesses on the Internet. We provide relevant links and information to help you find and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest. But this does not mean that we have ownership of any product names, registered trademarks, logos, statutory or official seals or copyright signs in the link, or there is any authorized use or other relationship. Our responsibility for your use of SHOPASTRO is set out in the following section, please read and understand carefully.


8. Personal Information Protection

1) SHOPASTRO takes the protection of your personal information very seriously. SHOPASTRO hopes to provide you with a clear introduction to the protection and handling of users' personal information through the "SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy", so it is recommended that you read the "SHOPASTRO Privacy Policy" in its entirety. In addition, we will not sell or disclose your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent.


2) For any communication services in SHOPASTRO, you should be careful to provide any personal information about you or your family, including but not limited to bulletin board services, chat areas, communities, and/or others designed to enable you to communicate with other users or the public Communication services (hereinafter referred to as "communication services"). We cannot control or edit the content and information submitted by users or the public in any communication service. Therefore, as permitted by laws and regulations, we are not responsible for any communication services and any behaviors caused by your participation in any communication services.


9. Changes to Terms or Conditions

1) We reserve the right to change the website. If these changes will result in a significant reduction in the usability, benefits and functions of the website, we will notify all paying users 90 days in advance. In the case of other force majeure, third-party reasons, or SHOPASTRO's unpredictable and avoidable circumstances, we will issue a notice (including immediate notice) before the change takes effect.


2) You understand and agree that your use of this website after the effective date of the agreement change will be deemed to have accepted the updated agreement. If you have any questions or comments on the changed content, you can contact us for feedback via [ contact@shopastro.com ].


10. General Terms

1)You understand and agree that there is no joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship between you and us. The performance of this agreement is subject to current laws and legal procedures. Nothing in this agreement will prejudice our right to comply with government, court, and law enforcement requests or requirements related to your use of this platform, or to provide or collect information related to your use of SHOPASTRO.


2) According to relevant laws and regulations, if any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, including but not limited to the disclaimer and limitation of liability, the invalid or unenforceable terms will be deemed invalid, and the remaining parts will continue to be valid.


3) Unless otherwise specified, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us on this platform, and replaces all previous communications and written documents between you and us on this website.


4) Without our written consent, you may not transfer any rights and obligations in this agreement in any form, otherwise we have the right to refuse to acknowledge and stop providing services under this agreement.


5) The company's failure to implement or exercise any provisions of this agreement or any related rights does not constitute a waiver of such provisions or rights. Any rights not expressly granted in this agreement are reserved. We may send you notices through e-mail, express mail, platform announcements or other reasonable methods currently known or developed in the future, including notices about changes to terms and conditions. The printed version of the agreement, any notification in electronic form, will allow it to be used as evidence in judicial or administrative procedures or be applied to the same degree as this agreement.


6) Both parties clearly hope that this agreement and all related documents will be written in Chinese.


11. Application of Law, Jurisdiction and Others

1) This agreement is signed in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China. The establishment, entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People’s Republic of China, and the application of other conflicts of laws and regulations is specifically excluded.


2) If you have any dispute or dispute with us, you should first settle it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to the Hangzhou Internet Court for settlement through litigation; if the subject of the dispute does not fall within the scope of the Guangzhou Internet Court’s acceptance according to law, you should submit this agreement The people’s court with jurisdiction over the place of signing is under the jurisdiction.


12. Disclaimer

The information, software, products and services contained in or provided by this platform may be inaccurate or typographical errors may occur. The information on the platform will be updated regularly. We and/or suppliers can improve and/or optimize this platform at any time. Some of our functions may provide you with information and suggestions on how to improve the store and enhance the user experience, but the above information and suggestions are for your reference only and should not be used for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. You should consult a suitable professional To get specific recommendations that suit your situation. We will work hard to maintain the stability and usability of the website.


13. Contact

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

       •     Email: contact@shopastro.com

       •     Common office address: Room 1902, Building 1, Shiqiang Plaza, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


This Agreement is prepared Chinese and translations in other languages are for reference purpose only. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese version and any translation in other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.